Our Beginning Laurel Avenue Church of Christ began meeting in Hamilton, Ohio at the Jefferson Elementary school on June 8, 1952, under the name of the East Side Church of Christ. Attendance for the first worship meeting was 60, and the contribution was $63.00. A building fund was started, and in 1955, three lots were purchased on Laurel Avenue. The first service was held on April 21, 1957, in the original structure with an attendance of 202. Groundbreaking for the new auditorium began in 1979, and is in use today. Laurel Avenue Church of Christ has been an influence on many lives over the last 50 years. Many members have been touched in some way by the many people, the faith, and the love that has flowed through ministry, service, and worship by members. Countless others have been touched by the love that our family is known for. Many have taught Sunday School, helped in Mothers Day Out, worked in Vacation Bible School, served as Elders and Deacons, donated to and helped out with the coat and food giveaways, and many many other ministries that Laurel Avenue members are known for. Through your efforts, we have shown the love of God to our community. One thing Laurel Avenue is known for is singing in our worship. The portion of our worship in which we sing praises to God is known far and wide, and you are encouraged to join in every time we meet. Laurel has also been blessed with diligent, hard working ministers. We are blessed to have Charles Anderson as our minister, and we encourage you to come and listen as he brings us God's word each week. Over the years, family members have scattered around the country, but remain in contact and visit from time to time. Please come see us when you can! God has blessed Laurel Avenue Church of Christ with many wonderful family members like YOU! We are glad you choose to worship with us. If you are considering a visit, please feel free to come and join us in an a cappella worship to our wonderful Lord and Savior. May God continue to bless the work here, and the work of the Church throughout the world. Remember to show your... LOVE IN ACTION!